Armed Violence Reduction

Enabling Development

image of Armed Violence Reduction

Each year, 740 000 people die as a result of armed violence. It increasingly exploits a link between conflict and crime and undermines our chances of reaching the Millennium Development Goals. This book will help aid donors - both policy advisors and programme staff - to transform good words into good programmes that can ultimately help reduce armed violence globally.

English Also available in: Spanish

Armed Violence Reduction and Prevention (AVR) and the Armed Violence Lens

Many development practitioners and their national partners now agree that comprehensive approaches are needed to reduce and prevent armed violence. They have begun to adapt a wide assortment of programmes to meet this objective. Ongoing programming in the field is signposting a number of critical ways forward. This section considers a range of lessons learned and programming experiences that have shaped the AVR approach. It then introduces the armed violence lens, which can help development actors to better identify drivers, risk factors and the effects of armed violence, and identify strategic entry points for intervention.

English Also available in: Spanish

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