Case Studies on Leaving No One Behind

A companion volume to the Development Co-operation Report 2018

image of Case Studies on Leaving No One Behind

These case studies complement the 2018 Development Co-operation Report: Joining forces to leave no one behind. Case study contributors share knowledge and lessons on what it takes to answer the pledge of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to leave no one behind through national and sub-national policies, strategies and programmes as well as international development co-operation projects, programmes and partnerships. The insights, good practices and lessons shared in these case studies were provided by diverse actors. These include official development co-operation ministries and agencies from members of the OECD and the Development Assistance Committee, international organisations, developing country governments, civil society organisations, business, and research bodies.


The case studies highlight experiences from projects and programmes in leaving no one behind and reaching the furthest behind. They are organised and presented under two broad categories:

1. Reaching and including people and places;

2. The enabling role of international co-operation: policies, partnerships and data.


Leaving no one behind in Cambodia: The IDPoor poverty identification mechanism

Approximately one in five Cambodians lives in poverty, with up to 50% defined as multi‑dimensionally poor or vulnerable. While market liberalisation in the late 1990s led to rapid economic expansion, not all Cambodians benefited. Numerous social protection programmes for the poor were set up, including free health care and school scholarships. However, each programme and implementing organisation had its own criteria and process to identify beneficiaries. This was inefficient, confusing, and often did not reach the most vulnerable. Increasing labour migration, whether abroad or between urban and rural work, added complexity to attempts to identify and provide access to benefits for poor households. A tailor-made and locally relevant package is required to ensure that these households, and their most vulnerable members, are not left behind in the development agenda.


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