Documents d’orientation de l’OCDE sur le développement

La Stratégie de l’OCDE pour le développement vise à favoriser une croissance inclusive et durable dans un large éventail de pays. L’Organisation s’appuie sur l’analyse des données, le dialogue et le partage de connaissances pour améliorer l’élaboration des politiques publiques et favoriser les réformes économiques. La stratégie identifie quatre thèmes interdépendants : les sources de croissance innovantes et durables ; la mobilisation des ressources pour le développement ; une gouvernance favorisant un développement durable ; et la mesure des progrès en matière de développement. Conçus pour un large public, les Documents d’orientation de l'OCDE sur le développement visent à stimuler l’analyse et la discussion autour de ces themes.

English, French

Civil service pension reform in developing countries

Experiences and lessons

This study examines reforms to civil service pension arrangements in a number of developing countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America. These arrangements are a significant component of public-sector remuneration in many developing countries and they can carry substantial risks, not only financial but also political and social. This study takes a long-term and systemic approach to civil service pensions, charting their evolution as part of a country’s social protection provision and with reference to public-sector remuneration as well as broader institutional developments. It demonstrates the short- and long-term costs of these arrangements against spending on other social protection interventions, notably poverty-targeted social assistance. Through a series of case studies, it examines the motivation behind countries’ decision to reform their civil service schemes, as well as the challenges they faced when undertaking these reforms and their overall impact. The study is intended to support countries planning to reform their civil service pension schemes by identifying key principles and specific policies they might consider in this process; it can also support governments not planning such reforms to better understand the financial dynamics of their civil service schemes.


Keywords: Pensions, public sector, remuneration, social protection
JEL: J32: Labor and Demographic Economics / Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs / Nonwage Labor Costs and Benefits; Retirement Plans; Private Pensions; H53: Public Economics / National Government Expenditures and Related Policies / Government Expenditures and Welfare Programs; H55: Public Economics / National Government Expenditures and Related Policies / Social Security and Public Pensions; J45: Labor and Demographic Economics / Particular Labor Markets / Public Sector Labor Markets
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