Competitiveness in South East Europe 2021

A Policy Outlook

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The future sustainable economic development and well-being of citizens in South East Europe depend on greater economic competitiveness. Reinforcing the region’s economic potential in a post-COVID-19 context requires a holistic, inclusive and growth‑oriented approach to policy making. Against the backdrop of enhanced European Union (EU) accession prospects and a drive towards deeper regional integration, the governments of the six Western Balkan (WB6) economies have demonstrated a renewed commitment to enacting policy reforms.

The third edition of Competitiveness in South East Europe: A Policy Outlook comprehensively assesses policy reforms in the WB6 economies across 16 policy dimensions crucial to their competitiveness. It leverages a highly participatory assessment process, which brought together the views of OECD experts, WB6 policy makers and local non-governmental stakeholders to create a balanced and realistic depiction of their performance. The report seeks to provide WB6 policy makers with a multi-dimensional benchmarking tool, enabling them to compare performance against regional peers as well as OECD good practices, and to design future policies based on rich evidence and actionable policy recommendations.

Economy-specific profiles complement the regional assessment for the first time in this edition of Competitiveness in South East Europe: A Policy Outlook, and provide each WB6 economy with an in-depth analysis of their competitive potential as well as policy recommendations tailored to their specific challenges to inform their structural economic reforms and sustainable development agenda.



Au cours des deux dernières décennies, les six économies des Balkans occidentaux (WB6) ont mené un certain nombre de réformes économiques qui leur ont permis d’accroître leur compétitivité ; ces pays ont néanmoins fait face à des défis sans précédent en 2020. La pandémie de COVID 19 a durement frappé la région, dont le produit intérieur brut s’est contracté de 3.3 %, amplifiant les difficultés structurelles existantes et mettant en lumière de nouveaux problèmes. La pandémie a montré la nécessité de réorienter les priorités de la région en termes de réformes en accordant une plus grande place à la durabilité, à l’inclusivité et au bien-être des citoyens. Dans ce contexte, un programme de réformes structurelles global et fondé sur des données, fixant une trajectoire de croissance durable et inclusive couplée à une augmentation des niveaux de vie, revêt une importance cruciale pour l’ensemble des six économies des Balkans occidentaux.

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