Documents d’orientation de l’OCDE sur le développement

La Stratégie de l’OCDE pour le développement vise à favoriser une croissance inclusive et durable dans un large éventail de pays. L’Organisation s’appuie sur l’analyse des données, le dialogue et le partage de connaissances pour améliorer l’élaboration des politiques publiques et favoriser les réformes économiques. La stratégie identifie quatre thèmes interdépendants : les sources de croissance innovantes et durables ; la mobilisation des ressources pour le développement ; une gouvernance favorisant un développement durable ; et la mesure des progrès en matière de développement. Conçus pour un large public, les Documents d’orientation de l'OCDE sur le développement visent à stimuler l’analyse et la discussion autour de ces themes.

English, French

Enabling effective triangular co-operation

This study provides new insights into factors that enable effective triangular co-operation. These include sound national ecosystems to support triangular partnerships through high-level political will, guiding documents, institutional structures, partnerships, resources and management procedures. Furthermore, against the background of the 2030 Agenda and the outcomes of BAPA+40, a shift of thinking from ‘donor-recipient’ relations to ‘partnerships’ needs to run through political discourse, public opinion, strategies and systems of all partners in triangular co-operation. Moreover, for the first time, the issue of ‘transaction costs’ in triangular co-operation is discussed systematically. Based on the research, interviews, and meetings that were conducted for this study, broad agreement emerged that these are investments in the partnership, and should not be regarded as costs. Finally, five options to engage effectively in triangular co-operation are offered. The decision for one of these five approaches, depends on the specific context of the partners that wish to set up new triangular co-operation initiatives. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, thus this study aims to contribute ideas and policy implications based on existing experiences and evidence.


Keywords: Sustainable development, Effectiveness, Transaction costs, Ecosystems for development co-operation, 2030 Agenda, Triangular co-operation, Development co-operation, Sustainable Development Goals
JEL: O21: Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Development Planning and Policy / Planning Models; Planning Policy
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