Documents d’orientation de l’OCDE sur le développement

La Stratégie de l’OCDE pour le développement vise à favoriser une croissance inclusive et durable dans un large éventail de pays. L’Organisation s’appuie sur l’analyse des données, le dialogue et le partage de connaissances pour améliorer l’élaboration des politiques publiques et favoriser les réformes économiques. La stratégie identifie quatre thèmes interdépendants : les sources de croissance innovantes et durables ; la mobilisation des ressources pour le développement ; une gouvernance favorisant un développement durable ; et la mesure des progrès en matière de développement. Conçus pour un large public, les Documents d’orientation de l'OCDE sur le développement visent à stimuler l’analyse et la discussion autour de ces themes.

English, French

Innovative oceans

Drivers of internationalisation for the EU Outermost regions

This paper provides an overview of the ocean economy in the EU Outermost Regions (EU ORs). It discusses the opportunities and challenges that the EU ORs are facing in light of emerging global trends, laying out priority actions for making the ocean a factor of competitiveness and internationalisation. Such actions could be taken together with EU and basin-specific partners such as Small Island Developing States in the Caribbean, Atlantic and Indian Ocean. The paper is developed within the framework of the EU-OECD project on Global Outermost Regions.

English Also available in: French

Keywords: EU Outermost Regions, Regional Economic Activity, Sustainable Ocean, Global value chains
JEL: Q57: Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics / Environmental Economics / Ecological Economics: Ecosystem Services; Biodiversity Conservation; Bioeconomics; Industrial Ecology; Q22: Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics / Renewable Resources and Conservation / Renewable Resources and Conservation: Fishery; Aquaculture; O55: Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Economywide Country Studies / Economywide Country Studies: Africa; O54: Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Economywide Country Studies / Economywide Country Studies: Latin America; Caribbean; R58: Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics / Regional Government Analysis / Regional Development Planning and Policy; Q2: Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics / Renewable Resources and Conservation; O52: Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Economywide Country Studies / Economywide Country Studies: Europe; R11: Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics / General Regional Economics / Regional Economic Activity: Growth, Development, Environmental Issues, and Changes; Q25: Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics / Renewable Resources and Conservation / Renewable Resources and Conservation: Water
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