Latin American Economic Outlook 2022

Towards a Green and Just Transition

image of Latin American Economic Outlook 2022

What challenges and opportunities does the green transition entail for Latin America and the Caribbean? This 15th edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook explores options for the region to recast its production models, transform its energy matrix and create better jobs in the process. It argues that, for this transition to be just, stronger social-protection systems and open dialogue must help build new, sustainable social contracts. In support of this ambitious agenda, the report presents an array of financing options, including green finance, and advocates for renewed international partnerships.

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Poverty in Brazil decreased from 20.9% in 2016 to 18.4% in 2020, contrary to Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) average, which increased slightly from 25.9% to 26.3% in the same period. Brazil’s trend can be explained by the wide fiscal support (with cash transfers and tax packages) during 2020 to alleviate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Extreme poverty decreased in that period, from 5.3% to 5.1% and remains below the LAC average (8.7%). The population living in completely informal households decreased from 37.7% in 2009 to 29.7% in 2018, compared to the LAC average of 36.3% in 2018. Regarding environmental indicators, in 2019, total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per capita were 5.0 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (t CO2e), lower than the averages for LAC (6.3) and for countries belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (9.1). That year, the share of the population exposed to air pollution levels that pose risks to human health (PM2.5 at more than 10 µg/m3) was 81.7%, lower than 95.4% for LAC and higher than 61.0% for the OECD. The marine protected areas accounted for 26.8% of Brazil’s territorial waters in 2021, compared to 7.3% for LAC and 18.6% for the OECD. On the fiscal side, environmentally related tax revenue was 0.7% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020, lower than LAC (1.0%) and the OECD (2.1%). Total tax revenues as a percentage of GDP (31.6%) remain higher than the average for LAC (21.9%), but below the OECD (33.5%).

English Also available in: Spanish


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