OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Poland 2017

image of OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Poland 2017

The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts periodic reviews of the individual development co-operation efforts of DAC members. The policies and programmes of each member are critically examined approximately once every five years.

This review assesses the performance of Poland, not just that of its development co-operation agency, and examines both policy and implementation. It takes an integrated, system-wide perspective on the development co-operation and humanitarian assistance activities of Poland.


Poland's vision and policies for development co-operation

Poland’s clear overall vision and priorities for development co-operation are underpinned by principles of democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights and solidarity. Development co-operation has gained credibility as a tool of Polish foreign policy. Going forward, Poland should clarify how the focus on development co-operation in foreign policy aligns with the socio-economic and poverty reduction objectives of the 2011 Development Cooperation Act. Poland has vetted its new multi-annual programme from the perspective of the SDGs. It could build on this by making a clear statement on how its development co-operation will contribute to achieving Agenda 2030 and ensuring that its development co-operation commitments are integrated into national efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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