Promoting Pro-Poor Growth

Policy Guidance for Donors

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For aid donors, the pro-poor growth agenda is not business as usual and more of the same will not be sufficient. Focusing on pro-poor growth and income poverty, Promoting Pro-Poor Growth: Policy Guidance for Donors identifies binding constraints and offers policies and strategies to address them. Policy recommendations aim to help change donor behaviour and pave the way for more effective development co-operation in these areas. This compendium pays special attention to the role of private sector development, agriculture and infrastructure in pro-poor growth – areas that were neglected by many donors during the 1990s but are currently receiving renewed attention in the international development agenda. It also presents a methodology for conducting ex-ante poverty impact assessment, a valuable tool for those whose aim is to maximise the poverty reducing impacts of development interventions.

English Also available in: French

Reducing Risk and Vulnerability

Managing risks and reducing vulnerabilities are essential elements in sustainable propoor growth through agriculture, perhaps the riskiest sector in the economy, not only subject to the price risks facing many sectors but also highly dependent on nature, leaving it vulnerable to droughts, floods and pests. The risks vary in their nature and impact across the different rural worlds. Volatile international markets directly affect Rural World 1 producers and ultimately their need to employ workers from Rural Worlds 3 and 4. Generic risks such as weather conditions can position agricultural households in Rural Worlds 2 and 3 either above or below the thresholds of profit and food security.

English Also available in: French

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