Supporting Firm Creation and Growth through Business Development Services in Kyrgyzstan

National governments working to support firms facing the COVID-19 crisis have strong incentives to support entrepreneurship and private-sector development. As they struggle to survive the crisis, entrepreneurs and SMEs need accessible and high-quality public services. In addition to improving delivery of public services to firms, governments can help stimulate the market for private business services, such as business advisory or training. This Policy Insight discusses the hurdles firms in Kyrgyzstan face in accessing public and private business development services (BDS). The report suggests three sets of actions to the government: (1) offering streamlined government to business services in physical and digital one-stop shops; (2) supporting greater uptake of private business services; and (3) working with other relevant actors, such as business associations and the development community to build a stronger BDS market, which can ultimately foster much needed business development.

08 Sept 2020 77 pages English Also available in: Russian 9789264542778 (PDF)

Author(s): OECD