The Visible Hand of China in Latin America

image of The Visible Hand of China in Latin America

Latin America is looking towards China and Asia -- and China and Asia are looking right back. This is a major shift: for the first time in its history, Latin America can benefit from not one but three major engines of world growth. Until the 1980s, the United States was the region’s major trade partner. In the 1990s, a second growth engine emerged with the European investment boom in Latin America. Now, at the dawn of the new century, the increasing global economic importance of Asia, and in particular China, potentially provides a third engine of growth.

This book describes the opportunities and challenges that Latin American economies will face as Chinese importance in the world economy -- and in Latin America's traditional markets -- continues to grow.

English Also available in: Spanish, Chinese

Does China Have an Impact on Foreign Direct Investment to Latin America?

OECD Development Centre

This chapter analyses empirically whether the emergence of China as a large recipient of FDI has affected the amount of FDI received by Latin American countries. For the longest possible period given data availability (1984-2001), it finds no diversion of FDI from Latin America to China when other relevant factors are taken into account. Concentrating on the last few years (1995-2001), however, when FDI boomed worldwide and negotiations for China’s WTO membership accelerated, the “Chinese effect” becomes highly significant. Assessing the impact country by country, China’s inward FDI appears to have hampered that of Mexico and Colombia, but not the other four large Latin American economies studied.

English Also available in: Spanish

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