2012 Comptes nationaux trimestriels, Volume 2012 Numéro 4

image of Comptes nationaux trimestriels, Volume 2012 Numéro 4

The OECD’s Quarterly National Accounts contains a selection of the accounts most widely used by economic analysts: GDP by expenditure and by industry, gross fixed capital formation by asset, gross fixed capital formation by institutional sector, and components of disposable income are all shown at both current and constant prices. Saving and Net lending and GDP by income at current prices are also provided as well as population and employment data (national concept) and employment by industry (domestic concept). The data cover 34 OECD countries, and totals are provided for the following groups: OECD, OECD-Europe, the European Union, the euro area and the Major seven (G7). Data are based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) for all countries except Australia (2008 SNA).

Français Egalement disponible en : Anglais

Chapitre : Estonie

Tableaux 3 - Revenu disponible, épargne et capacité / besoin de financement : Estonie

Français Egalement disponible en : Anglais

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