OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Papers

The OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Programme Papers present innovative ideas and practical examples on how to boost local development and job creation. A wide range of topics are addressed, such as employment and skills; entrepreneurship; the social economy and social innovation; culture; and local capacity building, among others. The series highlights in particular policies to support disadvantaged places and people, such as the low skilled, the unemployed, migrants, youth and seniors.

English, French

Economic and social impact of cultural and creative sectors

Note for Italy G20 Presidency Culture Working Group

This paper, prepared for the Italy G20 Presidency Culture Working Group, underscores the vital role of cultural and creative sectors in driving job creation, innovation, and social inclusion. Highlighting their significant contributions to the economy and society, from fostering creative skills to enhancing well-being and promoting social cohesion, it emphasizes the need for policymakers to recognize culture as a strategic investment. As governments reassess growth models post-COVID-19, the paper advocates for leveraging the resilience and potential of cultural sectors for a sustainable recovery. By mainstreaming culture into policy agendas and improving data collection, it offers actionable strategies to harness the full potential of these sectors for economic, social, and environmental outcomes.


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