2013 Estudios económicos de la OCDE: México 2013

image of Estudios económicos de la OCDE: México 2013

El Estudio Económico de México 2013 de la OCDE revisa el desenvolvimiento, las políticas y las perspectivas económicas  e incluye un capítulo especial que aborda el mejoramiento de las relaciones en el federalismo fiscal.

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Evaluación y recomendaciones

The important structural reforms that have been carried out over the past few years have improved Mexico’s economic performance and increased its resilience in the face of external shocks. However, there remains significant scope for reform in a number of key institutional areas, both to fully implement already-legislated measures and to undertake new steps, with the aim of accelerating the pace of convergence towards higher living standards and improving social conditions among the large numbers of households living in poverty. The Pacto por México (Pact) multi-partisan agreement of 95 major reform commitments that was signed by the new Administration and representatives of the major political parties is therefore welcome. The commitments include the essential policy priorities that are needed to secure stronger growth and material well-being, as well as to promote sustainability. Moreover, the Pact is supported by ruling, legislative and technical co-ordination councils, incorporating monitoring mechanisms and timetables that should help to ensure that the commitments are actually followed through upon. Many of the Pact’s proposed legal and policy measures were identified as policy priorities in previous Economic Surveys of Mexico, and cover nearly all policy domains addressed in outstanding OECD recommendations(see , Progress in structural reform).

Spanish Also available in: English, French


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