Investing in Climate, Investing in Growth

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This report provides an assessment of how governments can generate inclusive economic growth in the short term, while making progress towards climate goals to secure sustainable long-term growth. It describes the development pathways required to meet the Paris Agreement objectives and underlines the value of well-aligned policy packages in mobilising investment and social support for the transition while enhancing growth. The report also sets out the structural, financial and political changes needed to enable the transition.


A decisive transition for growth and climate

Governments around the world are facing the triple imperatives of re-invigorating growth while improving livelihoods and urgently tackling climate change. This chapter contains an extended synthesis of the report, showing how acting on climate change can also be good for growth, provided the right policies and structural reforms are put in place. After setting the scene for combined action on climate and growth, the synthesis presents results on the macro-economic implications of a “decisive transition” to a lowemission, high-growth and resilient future. The synthesis then lays out development pathways compatible with the Paris Agreement and how they vary across country types, as well as the need to scale and shift infrastructure investment. Turning to policy, the synthesis also presents the mix of structural and targeted climate policies required, the implications of the transition for exposed businesses and workers and how governments can address them, and changes needed to the financial system. It concludes with the main policy messages arising from the report.



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