Chile going green

Further integrate environmental objectives in sectoral policies (mining, forestry, tourism, energy, agriculture, aquaculture and transport) in order to achieve green growth. • Formulate a national greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation strategy with emission reduction targets and action plans for key sectors; phase out fuel subsidies (including tax credits and exemptions) and introduce carbon pricing as the most cost-effective way to deal with GHG emissions from power production, transport and industry. • Implement fully the National Strategy for Integrated River Basin Management to improve public sector co-ordination in water management. Re-assess river flow standards to ensure that they are adequate and complied with. • Complete implementation of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans, devote adequate resources to meet the target of protecting 10% of all significant ecosystems in Chile and devise mechanisms for providing payments for ecosystem services. • Further reduce the environmental impact of the mining sector (e.g. air pollution by SO2 and arsenic, water pollution, abandoned sites and tailing dams); use economic and other instruments to address pollution concerns, pursuant to the polluter pays principle; and give special attention to small and medium-size mining enterprises through technological, financial and consultancy assistance. • Increase the financial contribution of the mining sector, among other things to support longterm investment in human, environmental and social capital; consider a mechanism for more effective capture of resource rents associated with mineral exploitation. • Use economic instruments more widely to complement the command and control measures the country uses in its environmental policies, including by reviewing the tax system and ensuring that it better reflects the true cost of environmental externalities. • Ensure that the new institutional framework facilitates effective implementation of OECD legal instruments related to environment, in particular those related to waste and chemicals; complete the implementation of the National Policy on Chemicals Safety and the Integrated Solid Waste Management Policy; and ensure enactment and enforcement of a new Law on Waste.

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