Quality, equity and equality in the education system

Main recommendations • Ensure that all teacher education programmes meet well-defined minimum standards. • Upgrade the subject content knowledge of teachers, especially in the upper grades of primary schools, through richer curricula in initial teacher education programmes at universities and at post-graduate programmes for practicing teachers. • Develop an induction programme for novice teachers. • Introduce external exit exams for initial teacher education. • Ensure that student selection is prohibited by schools; consider extending the prohibition to secondary schools and strengthening it by requiring lotteries at oversubscribed schools. • Provide teachers, school managers and parents with sufficient information to read results of the national student achievement test (SIMCE), and complement the test with richer quality indicators, including qualitative information and possibly value-added indicators. • Implement the newly designed quality assurance system, while making sure that the new agencies interact efficiently. • Consider introducing higher subsidies at decreasing rates for several income brackets, and limit top-up payments dependent on parents’ income. Over time, consider moving away from shared financing and increase voucher subsidies sufficiently to make up for this. • After significantly expanding access, systematically evaluate quality at preschools and make sure that initial education prepares preschool teachers and aides to enhance children’s abilities and learning skills.

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