2003 OECD Economic Surveys: Australia 2003

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This 2003 edition of OECD's Economic Survey of Australia examines recent economic developements, policies and prospects. The special chapter covers migration.

English Also available in: French

Assessment and Recommendations

Dogged pursuit of structural reforms across a very broad front, and prudent macroeconomic policies firmly set in a medium-term framework, have combined to make the Australian economy one of the best performers in the OECD, and also one notably resilient to shocks, both internal and external. Incomes growth has remained brisk, employment is expanding, inflation is under control, and public finances are healthy. All the indications are that the continuing effects of previous reforms will continue to help the economy to combat shocks in the immediate future. In order to meet the longer-term objective of raising living standards towards the highest in the OECD, further reforms to labour, product and financial markets and to social policies will be needed, that will encourage more people to join the labour force, remain in it, and steadily raise their productivity.

English Also available in: French

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