2020 OECD Economic Surveys: Israel 2020

image of OECD Economic Surveys: Israel 2020

The Israeli economy was performing well before the COVID-19 shock but the pandemic is threatening to reverse some of Israel’s recent economic achievements, raise poverty and exacerbate wide productivity disparities between its vibrant high-tech sector and lagging sheltered sectors. Lockdown measures and high uncertainty have led to a sharp contraction in output and reduced employment. In this environment, macroeconomic policy needs to remain supportive and flexible to adapt to the evolving health situation. Enhancing training and job search support is crucial to help laid-off workers transition to new jobs quickly and avoid long-lasting negative economic effects. Structural reforms and additional public investment to improve educational outcomes, boost infrastructure and foster product market competition are key to strengthening the recovery. Reducing wide differences in resources between municipalities will promote equal opportunities for everyone. Tax reforms to further strengthen in-work benefits, cut inefficient tax expenditures, reduce distortions created by the business and property tax system and better align taxes with environmental externalities will make the recovery more inclusive and sustainable, while generating additional revenues.


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Reducing socio-economic differences between municipalities

Despite being one of the smallest countries in the OECD, Israel is marked by significant socio-economic disparities, which have a clear spatial dimension. Ethnic and religious groups with weak socio-economic outcomes are not benefitting from the thriving high-tech sector in the centre of the country. As a result, there is a persistent lack of employment opportunities in the peripheral areas alongside skills shortages in the dynamic centre. Inequalities between municipalities are the highest in the OECD. Moreover, the current pandemic has hit poorer Haredi neighbourhoods particularly hard. The government should reduce barriers that prevent segments of the population from fully participating in the economic process and give everyone a similar chance to succeed, regardless of where he or she was born. This will require equal access to high-quality education, affordable housing, reasonable public transportation and improved urban planning in every municipality to reduce spatial divides and segregation of disadvantaged households. Local authorities can play a significant role, since good municipal government and effective policies to achieve national priorities are the best means to improve the outcomes of residents of poor areas.



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