2004 OECD Economic Surveys: Portugal 2004

image of OECD Economic Surveys: Portugal 2004

Portugal’s progress towards economic convergence with the rest of Europe has diminished in recent years, and in this 2004 review of Portugal’s economy, OECD recommends stepping up growth through policies that raise human capital, encourage the mobility of the labour force, and facilitate innovation and the diffusion of technological advances. Competition needs to be stiffer and the climate for doing business needs to be further improved. This edition’s special feature covers reform of the health care system.

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Structural Policies to Lift Portugal's Living Standards

The authorities have undertaken a wide range of reforms to improve competitiveness and ensure faster growth to lift Portugal’s living standards. Given Portugal’s already high degree of labour utilisation, the most promising way of closing the gap in per capita income with more advanced countries more rapidly is by raising productivity growth. The enlargement of the EU opens new opportunities for Portugal, provided measures are taken to meet the competition from the newcomers. The government’s policy agenda for growth, designed against the background of the Lisbon strategy, is at different stages of implementation. It includes: ...

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