2007 OECD Economic Surveys: Slovak Republic 2007

image of OECD Economic Surveys: Slovak Republic 2007

Following major economic reforms, the Slovak economy has grown strongly in recent years, but still has some way to go to catch up with the advanced European countries.  This survey of the Slovak economy examines economic challenges faced by Slovakia including sustaining macroeconomic stability in a currency union, increasing employment rates, removing barriers to product market competition, and improving education outcomes.

English Also available in: French, Slovak

Assessment and recommendations

Slovakia is enjoying sustained high economic growth. Unemployment has fallen considerably, although long-term unemployment remains stubbornly high. The incoming government has made achieving a more equal distribution of income a priority insofar as this can be done without damaging long-term growth prospects. Ensuring that the benefits of high economic growth are more widely distributed is vital for making such growth sustainable. This objective calls for policies that give more priority to poverty alleviation, strengthen employment and remove barriers to competition in product markets. In the long term, improving education outcomes, including by reducing the impact of socioeconomic background on outcomes, will be central to sustaining high economic growth and social cohesion.

English Also available in: French

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