OECD Factbook 2013
Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics
OECD Factbook 2013 is a comprehensive and dynamic statistical annual publication from the OECD. More than 100 indicators cover a wide range of areas: agriculture, economic production, education, energy, environment, foreign aid, health, industry, information and communications, international trade, labour force, population, taxation, public expenditure, and R&D. This year, the OECD Factbook features a focus chapter on gender.
Data are provided for all OECD member countries including area totals, and in some cases for selected non-member economies (including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia & South Africa). For each indicator, there is a two-page spread: a text page includes a short introduction followed by a detailed definition of the indicator, comments on comparability of the data, an assessment of long-term trends related to the indicator and a list of references for further information on the indicator; the opposite page contains a table and a graph providing – at a glance – the key message conveyed by the data. A dynamic link (StatLink) is provided for each table where readers can download the corresponding data.
The OECD Factbook is also available as a free app for your mobile device! Visit your app store.
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Investment in ICT
Investment in information and communication technology (ICT) was the most dynamic component of investment in the late 1990s and early 2000s. This investment enabled new technologies to enter the production process, to expand and renew the capital stock, and to sustain economic growth.
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