Accessing Higher Education in the German State of Brandenburg

image of Accessing Higher Education in the German State of Brandenburg

Brandenburg’s economy is undergoing structural change, which opens exciting new prospects for highly skilled workers. The state has intensified efforts to diversify the economy towards cleaner and more knowledge-intensive industries, including the development of advanced manufacturing, spill-over effects from the start-up scene in Berlin, fostering entrepreneurial activities at its own higher education institutions, promoting innovative places for working and living, and phasing out of coal production in favour of next-generation technologies. As the engine of skills development and research, the higher education system will play an important role in helping the state unleash these opportunities. The German State of Brandenburg has therefore entrusted the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – in close collaboration with and supported by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support – with the development of recommendations on how to enhance the visibility of its institutions’ programme offer, align this offer with the skills and innovation demand, and make it more attractive to prospective students from the state and beyond.

English Also available in: German

The economy and labour market in Brandenburg

This chapter examines the demography, economy and labour market of the federal state of Brandenburg in Germany. First, the economic context is explored, including challenges related to economic imbalances and infrastructure. Economic opportunities emerging from the shift from coal to cleaner energy, including the impact of a Tesla factory to build electric vehicles, are examined. This chapter also examines how the labour market is adding jobs and improving living standards, noting differences within local economies. It then analyses challenges in the labour market, including a growing skills shortage and a stagnating supply of graduates with higher degrees, and the impact of demographic shifts, declining completion rates in higher education institutions and low participation in lifelong learning on these trends. Finally, proposals for unleashing opportunities for economic development via greater investment in higher education are offered.

English Also available in: German


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