PEB Exchange, Programme on Educational Building

Programme on Educational Building

Articles from the OECD Programme on Educational Building’s PEB Exchange. Articles cover examples of innovative new educational building projects, new technologies, trends in educational architecture, and related management and policy issues.

English Also available in: French

An Update on Asset Management Plans in the United Kingdom

Programme on Educational Building

Government, because of its commitment to education, is making significant additional capital funding available to the schools sector. Over the next three years, through various policy initiatives, about GBP 6 billion will be available to clear the maintenance backlog and improve school buildings. It is important that this money is used efficiently and as effectively as possible. Local Education Authorities (LEAs) will be responsible for preparing the Asset Management Plans, which will cover all types of state-funded schools in their boundaries. An AMP will provide an agreed basis for local decisions on spending priorities.

English Also available in: French

Keywords: United Kingdom, Asset Management Plans, AMP
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