PEB Exchange, Programme on Educational Building

Programme on Educational Building

Articles from the OECD Programme on Educational Building’s PEB Exchange. Articles cover examples of innovative new educational building projects, new technologies, trends in educational architecture, and related management and policy issues.

English Also available in: French

Designing Tomorrow's School

Programme on Educational Building

A seminar entitled "Designing Tomorrow's School" was organised by the OECD Decentralised Programme on Educational Building (PEB), the Irish Ministry of Education and Science and the National University of Ireland (NUI), Galway, and was held in Galway, Ireland, in September 2002. Certain presentations made at the seminar are summarised here. Nicolas Chung of France's Ministry for National Education spoke on "Developing digital work areas for education". Giorgio Ponti of Cisem (the Research Institute of the Province of Milan and Italian Provinces Union) presented "The school of the future: an Italian perspective". Naoto Fukabori from Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) addressed "The trend in measures for school facilities in Japan". Jaime de la Garza of Mexico's Administrative Committee for the Federal Programme of School Construction (CAPFCE) spoke on "Multifunctional classroom facility: a challenge for tomorrow's education".

English Also available in: French

Keywords: Italy, Mexico, energy savings, environment, France, ICT, Japan, community, intelligent school
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