E-Learning in Higher Education in Latin America
This report analyses the incorporation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in higher education in Latin America, focusing mainly on what is commonly referred to as “e-learning”. Access to and quality of higher education, financial constraints and relevance to the needs of the labour market are all crucial challenges facing the higher education system in the region. The study attempts to understand how ICTs and new learning and teaching practices can help to meet these challenges. The report also provides the results of a questionnaire showing the degree of implementation and the impact of e-learning on a group of higher education institutions in Latin America and includes a set of policy recommendations in this area.
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Executive summary
Centre de Développement de l’OCDE
Higher education is one of the main drivers of economic development and social progress, and a key dimension for a sustainable and inclusive development path in Latin America and the Caribbean. Higher education in the region has experienced important developments in recent decades. One of the most remarkable events has been the expansion of access, which almost doubled in the period 2000-10. Higher education institutions (HEIs) have proliferated in response to a larger demand for higher education due to economic growth, an expanding middle class and a larger component of knowledge-based activities in the economy. This has been accompanied by a more prominent role of private provision of higher education and an increase in female participation.
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