Ensuring Quality Digital Higher Education in Hungary

image of Ensuring Quality Digital Higher Education in Hungary

EU Funded Note

The emergence of fully online, hybrid and blended forms of higher education has led governments, quality assurance agencies and higher education institutions (HEIs) across the OECD to reflect on how to ensure that digital education provides learners with opportunities to reach learning and employment outcomes similar to those achieved through traditional in person instruction. Building on stakeholder engagement and comparative analysis, this report offers an assessment of Hungary’s quality assurance system for higher education and, more specifically, its strengths and weaknesses for assuring the quality of digital higher education. It offers recommendations and policy options to support the ongoing reform of Hungary’s higher education accreditation system as well as a list of potential digital education indicators to be integrated in the assessment frameworks used by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB) for the accreditation of higher education institutions.


Supporting institutions to enhance the quality of digital higher education

This project, led and implemented by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), was carried out with financial support provided by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM), in close collaboration with the Hungarian Ministry of Culture and Innovation (KIM) and the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB).This chapter analyses Hungary’s institutional support landscape for digital higher education and provides recommendations on how they can be strengthened to build the capacity of higher education institutions (HEIs) to assure the quality of their (digital) education offerings.


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