Evaluating and Rewarding the Quality of Teachers: International Practices

image of Evaluating and Rewarding the Quality of Teachers: International Practices

Drawing on relevant international research, including information from experts’ presentations and papers given at the December 2008 Joint Conference between the OECD and the Government of Mexico, this book sets out good practice in the design and implementation of incentive systems for teachers. With this aim in mind, the book provides analysis and discussion of the design and implementation of incentive systems for teachers as well as guidance on what should be rewarded and how it should it be measured, who should be rewarded, how they should they be rewarded and how policies should be developed and implemented to ensure stakeholder engagement and commitment.

English Also available in: Spanish

Professional Educators and Their Pay: Policy, Implementation and Alignment Issues

Across the globe, both the numbers of elementary and secondary schoolteachers and their inflation-adjusted salaries have substantially increased during the past half-century. In many nations, however, student achievement has remained stagnant. Two increasingly voiced policy goals, therefore, are to stabilise spending and raise performance. A central issue to consider when striving for these goals is the optimal means by which educator pay can be reshaped to contribute more forcefully to higher levels of student achievement.

English Also available in: Spanish

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