Measuring Innovation in Education 2023

Tools and Methods for Data-Driven Action and Improvement

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Measuring innovation in education and understanding its drivers and obstacles is essential to improve the quality of the education sector – and of specific educational establishments. Are pedagogical and administrative practices changing in the expected direction? Do educational institution have a positive innovation culture that supports innovation? What are the drivers of innovation that policy makers or institution leaders could influence to achieve the systems’ educational objectives? How much do countries invest in educational research?

This book proposes insights and tools to policy makers and education leaders willing to drive change based on data and evidence and new tools and methodologies for education policy makers and institution leaders to answer those questions. Based on the research literature and the long experience of innovation and research surveys, these tools are meant either for a statistical collection or to engage in self-reflection at the institutional level. Three aspects of innovation are covered: educational innovation at the system level, innovation culture within educational institutions, innovation towards equity in education. A questionnaire to measure educational research and experimental development expenditures and implementation and new methodologies to measure certain aspects of educational innovation and educational research based on big data and bibliometrics are also presented.



La presente pubblicazione propone strumenti pubblici e nuove metodologie che gli statistici, i responsabili politici e i dirigenti istituzionali potrebbero utilizzare per comprendere meglio la natura, la portata e le condizioni dell'innovazione nel campo dell'istruzione in seno ai loro sistemi o istituti. Sebbene misurare l'innovazione e la ricerca sia una pratica comune nella maggior parte dei settori all'interno dei Paesi dell'OCSE, non lo è ancora nel campo dell'istruzione. Pertanto, i responsabili delle politiche in materia di istruzione dispongono di informazioni o dati insufficienti per elaborare, attuare e migliorare una politica a favore dell'innovazione nel settore dell'istruzione.

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