OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Bulgaria

image of OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Bulgaria

Over the past three decades, Bulgaria has carried out important structural reforms which have helped the country reach higher levels of socio-economic development. However, long-standing social disparities and income inequalities remain and Bulgaria’s overall productivity gains have not fully translated into sustainable and inclusive growth. In this context, the country holds education as key to improve the nation’s future economic potential and increase the quality of life of its population. For example, the national development strategy, Bulgaria 2030, sets out an ambitious reform plan that identifies the importance of raising learning outcomes and addressing inequities in order to sustain socioeconomic growth. This review provides recommendations on how evaluation and assessment in Bulgaria’s education system can support the country in reaching its goals.


Executive summary

Over the past five years, Bulgaria has undertaken several reforms to improve the quality of its education system and provide equal opportunities for all students. The country has introduced a new curriculum, policies to develop the teaching profession and attract new teachers, a new school funding model, a dual vocational education and training (VET) system and a compulsory pre-primary year, among others. To ensure that these reforms lead to large-scale improvements in student learning, Bulgaria will need to continue aligning its policies to ensure that they are coherent and provide additional support to help education actors adapt their practice. Policy makers will also need to target resources more effectively, to ensure they flow to the areas where they are most needed, namely the most vulnerable students, the most sought-after teachers and to supporting the lowest-performing schools.


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