OECD Reviews of School Resources: Chile 2017

image of OECD Reviews of School Resources: Chile 2017

This country review report for Chile provides, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing the use of school resources in Chile, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches. The report serves three purposes: i) to provide insights and advice to Chilean education authorities; ii) to help other countries understand the Chilean approach to the use of school resources; and iii) to provide input for the comparative analysis of the OECD School Resources Review. The analysis in the report focusses on the following areas: i) the funding of school education (including planning, distribution, incentives and monitoring); ii) equity resourcing policies targeted at specific groups of students; iii) school organisation and the operation of schools; and iv) the teaching profession.

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Assessment and recommendations

The education system in Chile has expanded considerably in recent years. Enrolment in pre-primary education has increased considerably. In 2014, the enrolment rates were 54%, 84% and 94% at ages 3, 4 and 5 against OECD averages of 71%, 86% and 95% respectively. There has also been good progress in retaining students within the school system but a good share of students still leave the education system too early with low skills. Universal access has been virtually reached in lower secondary education. The proportion of adults who have attained at least upper secondary education grew from 41% for the generation aged 55-64 in 2015 to 80% for the generation aged 25-34 in the same year. However, in upper secondary education, improvements in completion and retention rates have not been sustained in the recent past and about 20% of a cohort does not reach the final year of upper secondary education. Rates of completion within the nominal time (4 years) only reached 59% in 2014. Chile also has high repetition rates in international comparison even if they have decreased in recent years. In addition, student achievement in international assessments, while at the top within Latin America, remains below the OECD average. However, trend analyses of PISA results have shown some statistical significant improvement in reading literacy while performance in mathematics and science has remained fairly stable. A major concern is the significant proportion of students underperforming in secondary education. In PISA 2015, 34.5% of students demonstrated low levels of science proficiency compared to 21.2% on average in the OECD.

English Also available in: Spanish

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