PISA 2022 Results (Volume I)

The State of Learning and Equity in Education

image of PISA 2022 Results (Volume I)

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what students know in mathematics, reading and science, and what they can do with what they know. It provides the most comprehensive and rigorous international assessment of student learning outcomes to date. Results from PISA indicate the quality and equity of learning outcomes attained around the world, and allow educators and policy makers to learn from the policies and practices applied in other countries. This is one of five volumes that present the results of the eighth round of assessment, PISA 2022. Volume I, The State of Learning and Equity in Education, describes students’ performance in mathematics, reading and science; examines gender differences in performance; and investigates how performance relates to students’ socio-economic status and immigrant background. It also describes how the quality and equity of learning outcomes have evolved since previous PISA assessments.

English Also available in: German

How comparable are the PISA 2022 computer- and paper-based tests?

Computer-based administration (CBA) was the primary mode of delivery for PISA 2022. In PISA 2022, 77 out of 81 countries and economies took the CBA version of the PISA test. Four countries (Cambodia, Guatemala, Paraguay, and Viet Nam) used a paper-based version of the assessment (PBA). This annex describes the differences between paper- and computer-based instruments, and what they imply for the interpretation of results.


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