Strengthening Upper Secondary Education in Lithuania

image of Strengthening Upper Secondary Education in Lithuania

Upper secondary education in Lithuania stands out internationally with one of the highest attainment rates across OECD countries. Yet the country and its young people receive relatively modest returns in terms of learning outcomes for the country's high rates of upper secondary completion. To address this issue, Lithuania is currently undertaking a series of reforms at the upper secondary education level. This report explores how Lithuania, and its young people can achieve higher returns on its investment in upper secondary education and provides Lithuania with policy recommendations to help improve it by strengthening vocational education pathways and by consolidating upper secondary certification.


Consolidating Lithuania’s upper secondary certification to meet learners’ diverse needs and promote higher-order, complex learning

Lithuania's upper secondary certification – the Matura – transformed teaching and learning when it was introduced, by providing a trusted, reliable and objective measure of student achievement. A decade later, while the Matura continues to be a respected national institution, the country is reviewing its design so that it consistently promotes higher-order skills for all students. This chapter considers three key issues in the Matura – item development and analysis; assessing a broader range of skills in reliable and valid ways; and providing greater flexibility to be responsive to learners’ personalised pathways. Each issue is presented first in terms of the wider context that influences the issue, followed by options that provide recommendations for the country to consider.


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