The Assessment Frameworks for Cycle 2 of the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies

image of The Assessment Frameworks for Cycle 2 of the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies

The OECD’s Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) represents a comprehensive international comparative assessment of the information processing skills of adults vital for the full participation in social and economic life in the 21st century. PIAAC is now in its second cycle and continues a series of international assessments of adult skills that began in the mid-1990s with the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS).

The Assessment Frameworks for Cycle 2 of PIAAC provide an essential background for understanding the skills assessed by the PIAAC assessment and for interpreting the results of the study. The Assessment Frameworks define and describe the skills assessed in the study – literacy, numeracy and problem solving – and outline the key features of the assessment of these skills. In addition, the relationship between Cycle 2 of PIAAC and previous assessments of these skills among the adult population is explained and an overview is provided of the changes that have occurred in the conceptualisation of these skills in the different international assessments of adult skills implemented over the last two decades.


PIAAC Cycle 2 assessment framework: Adaptive problem solving

This chapter defines the concept of adaptive problem solving (APS) in the second cycle of PIAAC. The concept of APS accounts for the fact that we need to be vigilant, adaptive, and willing to modify our plans when interacting with the social, physical, and technological world of the 21st century. In this framework chapter, the cognitive and metacognitive processes that successful people engage into when solving problems and when adapting to changing conditions are described. In this, the PIAAC assessment of APS draws from a large set of information contexts and task dimensions that drive overall APS performance and individual proficiency levels. Several example items, considerations on item scoring and data capturing as well as a thorough discussion of the relation between APS and other competencies provide a comprehensive overview of the APS measurement framework for PIAAC.


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