Time for the U.S. to Reskill?

What the Survey of Adult Skills Says

image of Time for the U.S. to Reskill?

The ‘basic skills’ of literacy and numeracy are among the most fundamental attributes of human beings and their civilization, lying at the root of our capacity to communicate and live and work together, to develop and share knowledge, science and culture. Their contribution to workforce skills have increasingly been recognized as critical to economic success, while evidence on gaps in adult basic skills and the link with economic and social outcomes has also been growing, both at national and international level (e.g. International Survey of Adult Skills of 1994-98 and Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey of 2003-2007). Most tellingly, there has been a belated realization that despite universal basic education in advanced countries, some adults have slipped through the net, leaving them with very weak literacy and numeracy. All of these factors underline the importance of the OECD’s new international Survey of Adult Skills.

This report on skills in the US draws out the policy implications of the Survey for the US, while also making use of some additional data collected for the Survey on the US alone. The study does not directly evaluate relevant US policies and programs – such as schooling and adult education. Instead it identifies in the results of the Survey some key lessons about the strategic objectives and directions which should form a frame for policy development in the US, including policy on adult learning and schooling.


The Survey of Adult Skills and the role of this special report

The basic skills of literacy and numeracy are of huge importance to our economies and societies. The OECD’s new Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) assesses skills of literacy, numeracy and a newly assessed domain of “problem solving in technology-rich environments” in a number of countries. This special report, to be published alongside the main international survey, looks at the results for the United States and identifies their policy implications.


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