Working Out Change

Systemic Innovation in Vocational Education and Training

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This book analyses systemic innovation in education by looking at the ways in which educational systems encourage innovation, the knowledge base and processes used, and the procedures and criteria used to assess progress and evaluate outcomes. It draws on findings from 14 case studies in Vocational Education and Training in six OECD countries: Australia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Mexico and Switzerland. The resulting analysis helps us understand how we can support and sustain innovation in educational systems in the VET sector.


Towards a Typology of Systemic Innovation in VET

Centre for Educational Research and Innovation

This chapter presents a new typology framework that aims to capture aspects of the process as well as the substance of systemic innovations in VET. The aim of this exercise was twofold: (i) to map the case studies along certain important dimensions; and (ii) to serve as an analytical tool in the future for exploring some of the issues related to the processes and dynamics of systemic innovation. Three dimensions were considered important in the development of a holistic typology of systemic innovations: process, output, and contextual framework, each consisting of several variables. Using these three dimensions, as well as drawing on insights developed in the course of this study, a number of hypotheses are put forward regarding the possible types of systemic innovation in VET. In this context these are proposed merely as hypothetical types, and would need to be validated through empirical data in further research. Finally, the annex to the chapter presents a mapping of the fourteen cases studies along the variables of the typology frameworks.


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