Career Guidance for Low-Qualified Workers in Germany

image of Career Guidance for Low-Qualified Workers in Germany

In Germany, the three ‘Ds’ – Digitalisation, Decarbonisation and Demographic change – are dominating the headlines. Countless studies analyse the impact of these megatrends on the world of work and document how job profiles are changing. The growing demand for high-level cognitive skills and complex social interaction skills is challenging particularly low-qualified workers. In response to these trends, many countries have developed career guidance programmes to support individuals and companies in navigating career options and sustainable job transitions. However, low-qualified workers are less likely to receive career guidance than those with higher qualifications and even those who are unemployed due to a range of multi-layered and interconnected barriers. The report first gives an overview of career guidance provision at the federal level in Germany and then describes career guidance needs and provision in the states of Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). It reviews the support that low-qualified workers have access to, where learnings could serve in other regions and at the national level and provides recommendations on how provision for this group can be strengthened.


Executive summary

In a changing world of work, job profiles constantly develop and the demand for skills and qualifications with them. Particularly, jobs that mainly involve simple and repetitive tasks are threatened by technology, which fosters demand for high-level cognitive skills and complex social interaction skills. Reskilling and upskilling initiatives, through continuing education and training (CET), could foster transitions to emerging sectors and occupations, but participation by low-qualified workers is low.


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