Disability, Work and Inclusion

Mainstreaming in All Policies and Practices

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One in seven working-age adults identifies as having a disability in OECD countries, a share that is also substantial and growing among young people (8% in 2019). Many of them are excluded from meaningful work and have low levels of income and social engagement. This report documents the current labour market situation of people with disability, who continue to face large employment, unemployment and poverty gaps compared with people without disability. The report concludes that the goal set up some twenty years ago of making disability policies pro-active and employment-oriented has not been achieved. In particular, key areas of disability policy have received too little attention so far, such as policies to support young people with disability, improve the skills of people with disability, and intervene early in the course of a health problem or disability. The report calls for rigorous disability mainstreaming in all relevant policies and practices as the missing link to better labour market inclusion.


Designing employment-compatible social protection for all

Disability benefit programmes have seen reforms in many OECD countries. Changes have in some cases led to a halt or turnaround in the increase in the disability benefit caseload but the effects on the employment of people with disability have remained limited. Policy efforts should focus on earlier intervention, by preventing people from getting to a stage from which there is no sustainable return to work.




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