Jobs for Youth/Des emplois pour les jeunes: Denmark 2010

image of Jobs for Youth/Des emplois pour les jeunes: Denmark 2010
This report contains - for Denmark - a survey of the main barriers to employment for young people, an assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of existing measures to improve the transition from school-to-work, and a set of policy recommendations for further action by the public authorities and social partners.  

The report is based on the proceedings of a seminar and is published in English only. However, a French translation of the summary and main recommendations has been included in this volume.


The challenge ahead

Until very recently, the Danish economy was reaping the benefits of a long uninterrupted spell of growth that contributed to the emergence of tight labour markets. The country’s good macro-economic performance over the past decade translated into many job opportunities. As a result, the standardised unemployment rate declined to 3.2% in early 2008, the lowest rate recorded since the early 1980s.


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