SME and Entrepreneurship Policy in Indonesia 2018

image of SME and Entrepreneurship Policy in Indonesia 2018

SMEs play an important role for economic growth and social inclusion in Indonesia. Based on data from the Ministry of Co-operatives and SMEs, Indonesian SMEs account for nearly 97% of domestic employment and for 56% of total business investment. 

Indonesia has a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Law and a specific ministry dedicated to co-operatives and SMEs. The wealth of public programmes for SMEs could be streamlined, and more could be done to support innovative companies able to generate productive jobs and participate in international markets. The development and implementation of an SME strategy would be instrumental to improve the overall coherence of national policy measures, objectives and measurable targets. 

The review of SME and entrepreneurship policy of Indonesia is part of a peer-reviewed series, by the OECD Working Party on SMEs and Entrepreneurship, which aims to improve the design, implementation and effectiveness of national SME and entrepreneurship policies.


National programmes for SMEs and entrepreneurship in Indonesia

This chapter describes and assesses national programmes in support of SMEs and entrepreneurship in Indonesia, covering the following thematic policy areas: access to finance, innovation, internationalisation, workforce training, entrepreneurship education, social entrepreneurship, target groups and public procurement. Indonesia’s flagship programme for SMEs is the People’s Business Credit Programme (Kredit Usaha Rakyat, KUR), a large-scale microcredit instrument that combines a loan guarantee with an interest rate subsidy. Incubators and e-commerce have also been prioritised through the development of two government roadmap strategies, while support to SME internationalisation remains relatively limited in scope and scale, in part because of the limited involvement of Indonesian SMEs in export activity. Both entrepreneurship and management training (outside the education system) and entrepreneurship education (within the education system) are relatively common, while existing initiatives targeting specific population groups such as youth and women are relatively small in scale.



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