Strengthening Active Labour Market Policies in Italy

image of Strengthening Active Labour Market Policies in Italy

This report on Italy is the sixth country study published in a series of reports looking into how policies connect people with jobs. It discusses how active labour market policies in Italy are performing both on the national and the regional level, focussing particularly on the reform process in the system of public employment services initiated by the Jobs Act. The ongoing reform has good potential to improve the performance of employment services in Italy, particularly if the stakeholders of the system cooperate to establish a binding performance management framework and develop national IT infrastructure supporting the tasks of the local offices to serve jobseekers and employers. The National Agency for Active Labour Market Policies has a key role in encouraging the cooperation between the stakeholders, leading the development of new tools and methodologies and thus supporting the local employment offices to implement the new service model. Besides the general reform process, the review looks at some specific approaches regarding providing employment services in Italy – using jobseeker profiling tools to target active labour market policies; increasing quality and capacity of employment services by contracting out employment services to private service providers; and reaching out to employers and advancing demand-side services.


Reforming the institutional landscape

This chapter provides an overview of the recent reform package in the institutions and organisations in the Italian labour market called the Jobs Act. Alongside its objective to reform the labour market to introduce flexicurity, the Jobs Act aims to restructure the system of employment services and to increase the quality of active labour market policies. The chapter discusses the first steps of the reform process such as establishing the network of employment services, creating the National Agency for Active Labour Market Policies to coordinate the network and introducing activation conditionality on benefit recipients. Furthermore, it displays the challenges of the implementation processes stemming from underdeveloped IT infrastructure and insufficient human resources in the local employment offices.




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