Towards Better Social and Employment Security in Korea

image of Towards Better Social and Employment Security in Korea

This report on Korea is the fourth country study published in a series of reports looking into how policies connect people with jobs, following reports on Australia, Slovenia and the United Kingdom. It has a special focus on low-income groups, jobseekers and workers, and policies geared towards closing the considerable gaps these groups are facing around income and employment support. In the past forty years, Korea has gone through a remarkable economic transformation and in the past two decades, the country has also put in place a comprehensive social protection system and a strong activation framework. Nevertheless, features of Korea’s labour market, which include very low job tenure, a high degree of duality and a high level of informality, make it difficult for some measures to reach workers and jobseekers. This report concludes that significant additional action will be needed to make income and employment supports more effective and inclusive.




Peer-learning for bolder social protection in Korea

This chapter looks at the social protection measures applied in OECD countries. The analysis benchmarks common types of income support and activation measures for unemployment, temporary work incapacity and other types of poverty risk. It highlights lessons for Korea based on the commonalities and differences among the measures implemented across the OECD, focusing on several of their operational features. The discussion, in particular, looks at the coverage conditions such measures entail; the duration and scope of the support they provide; the active features they embody; and the supporting policies through which they are implemented.



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