OECD Podcasts

How can we all help shape better policies for better lives? In just 15 minutes, we bring you insightful interviews with OECD and guest experts on such pressing challenges as inequality and inclusive growth, the digital transformation, social change, the environment, international co-operation, and more.

English Also available in: French

David Wallace-Wells sounds the climate alarm

According to the The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we have 11 years to cut carbon emissions by half. And by 2050, carbon emissions must be eliminated. If not, humans will find themselves on an unliveable planet. David Wallace-Wells is the author of the New York Times' Bestseller, "The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming”. He describes for us what the world will be like if we go past a 2°C temperature rise. And what we have to do to avoid it.


Keywords: climate change, climate protection, A Better Tomorrow, green growth, sustainable development

All podcasts express the opinions of the interview subjects and do not necessarily represent the official views of the OECD and/or OECD Member countries.

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