Integrated Management Systems (IMS) – Potential Safety Benefits Achievable from Integrated Management of Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHE&Q)

This report presents the main generic management system standards (i.e. those MS standards used internationally and across business sectors) with special reference to the chemical industry. It also addresses the potential benefits achievable from integrated management of safety, health, environment and quality (SHE&Q). The common elements of all MS models are summarised, and some differences between Quality, Environment and Safety & Health MS are highlighted. The history of the most commonly used MS standards in these three areas is outlined, together with some IMS and Business Risk Management standards. The report then considers a number of practical issues in MS implementation, and illustrates the relevance of these with examples from the interviews.

25 Aug 2005 32 pages English 9789264327191 (PDF)

Author(s): OECD