OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Papers

The OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Programme Papers present innovative ideas and practical examples on how to boost local development and job creation. A wide range of topics are addressed, such as employment and skills; entrepreneurship; the social economy and social innovation; culture; and local capacity building, among others. The series highlights in particular policies to support disadvantaged places and people, such as the low skilled, the unemployed, migrants, youth and seniors.

English, French

Monitoring Green Transition

A strategic approach to local development

This paper navigates the intersection of environmental sustainability and economic growth, emphasizing the imperative of green growth strategies at the local level. With climate change concerns looming large, the pursuit of green growth presents both ambition and challenge for regions worldwide. By promoting economic development while mitigating environmental harm, green growth initiatives aim to foster job creation, innovation, and energy security. Through a comprehensive analysis of key indicators, this OECD LEED project sheds light on the transition to a low-carbon economy at the regional level, offering valuable insights and policy recommendations to propel sustainable development agendas forward.


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