Non-exhaust Particulate Emissions from Road Transport

An Ignored Environmental Policy Challenge

image of Non-exhaust Particulate Emissions from Road Transport

Non-exhaust emissions of particulate matter constitute a little-known but rising share of emissions from road traffic and have significant negative impacts on public health. This report synthesizes the current state of knowledge about the nature, causes, and consequences of non-exhaust particulate emissions. It also projects how particulate matter emissions from non-exhaust sources may evolve in future years and reflects on policy instrument mixes that can address this largely ignored environmental issue.



Despite technological advances to reduce energy and materials use and growing political will to pursue green development, population growth in cities is putting ever-greater pressure on the pursuit of sustainability in urban areas. As cities grapple with ongoing environmental challenges, they also face interactions between environmental pollution and public health risks. A notable example is local air pollution, which has been associated with greater susceptibility to respiratory infections. Growing populations increase the exposure to particulate matter in urban areas, and rising incomes increase the total amount of emissions produced as more people are able to own vehicles.


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