OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Greece 2020

image of OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Greece 2020

Greece has undergone extensive reforms to cope with a deep recession over the past decade. It has made progress in decoupling air pollutant emissions from GDP and improving the conservation status of natural habitats. However, the country faces challenges in managing waste and water, and addressing air pollution. It is highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change. The energy mix has shifted towards cleaner fuels, but the economy strongly relies on fossil fuels. Progress towards sustainable development requires effective implementation of ambitious climate mitigation and adaptation policies, strengthening environmental governance and enhancing coherence between environmental and energy, transport, agriculture and tourism policies.

This is the third Environmental Performance Review of Greece. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with special features on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.


Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity

Greece’s forests, mountains, wetlands, marine and coastal zones and agricultural areas are rich in biodiversity and provide a home to numerous species of local and international importance. The national policy framework for biodiversity has been updated in recent years. Still, a notable number of species are in an unfavourable state and biodiversity considerations are not sufficiently integrated into sectoral policies. This chapter reviews pressures influencing the status and trends of biodiversity; the legal, strategic and institutional framework; policy instruments and financing tools established to promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; and the degree to which biodiversity considerations have been mainstreamed into sectoral policies.



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