Redesigning Ireland’s Transport for Net Zero

Towards Systems that Work for People and the Planet

image of Redesigning Ireland’s Transport for Net Zero

Current mobility patterns in Ireland are incompatible with the country’s target to halve emissions in the transport sector by 2030. While important, electrification and fuel efficiency improvements in vehicles are insufficient to meet Ireland’s ambitious target: large behavioural change in the direction of sustainable modes and travel reductions are needed. Such changes will only be possible if policies can shift Irish transport systems away from car dependency. Building on the OECD process “Systems Innovation for Net Zero” and extensive consultation with Irish stakeholders, this report assesses the potential of implemented and planned Irish policies to transform car-dependent systems. It identifies transformative policies that can help Ireland transition to sustainable transport systems that work for people and the planet. It also provides recommendations to scale up such transformative policies and refocus the electrification strategy so that it fosters, rather than hinders, transformational change.



This chapter builds upon the analysis of Ireland’s existing and planned policies presented in Chapter 3. It offers recommendations on prioritising and scaling up transformative policies to accelerate Ireland’s transition towards transport systems that work for people and the planet. The recommendations are developed based on information gathered from interviews, ideas generated in workshops, OECD expertise and international best practice. The chapter also explores the ways in which rethinking current government structures and institutions can both trigger and foster transformative change.


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