Sustainable Development in OECD Countries
Getting the Policies Right
This publication summarises the lessons learned from the 30 country reviews of sustainable development that have been published since 2002 as part of OECD Economic Surveys. It also examines the concrete action that countries have taken to promote sustainable development while concentrating on the results that have been achieved and the efficiency of achieving the results. The publication focuses on major policy areas including the improvement of environmental policies, raising living standards in developing countries, and ensuring sustainable retirement income policies. Numerous tables provide detailed data and sustainable development indicators that have been used to gauge performance and assess costs.
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Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases
Climate change may impose very large costs in the second half of the century and later unless greenhouse gas emissions are kept under control. Given the magnitude of the emission reductions that are required in the long run, it is of paramount importance to ensure that the most cost-efficient measures are used. For this reason, the twenty country reviews dealing with the issue have focused on the capacity of climate change policies to deliver the highest possible amount of emission reductions for the cost incurred. The chapter reports the findings and recommendations from country reviews based on analysis for each policy instrument: voluntary agreements, regulations, schemes to promote the use of...
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