Sustainable Infrastructure for Low-Carbon Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus

Hotspot Analysis and Needs Assessment

image of Sustainable Infrastructure for Low-Carbon Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus

This report analyses planned infrastructure projects, decision-making frameworks related to infrastructure development and strategic planning documents in eight countries in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It compares current investment flows with countries' national development objectives to identify misalignments and provides policy-makers with recommendations to improve the integration of climate change and other environmental concerns into infrastucture development decision-making processes. The report presents a comprehensive overview of infrastructure investment, primarily in the transport and energy sectors, throughout the region and identifies the risks and opportunities emerging from current investment patterns.

English Also available in: Russian


This chapter presents the regional situation of infrastructure investments in Central Asia and the Caucasus, including the gap between growing infrastructure needs and sluggish investment flows, and the resulting challenges for trade integration and regional connectivity. It describes regional infrastructure development initiatives, including the CAREC corridors and the Belt and Road Initiative, and their potential role in improving connectivity. The chapter also discusses the role of private sector investments and the climate change-related risks and opportunities of current infrastructure investment patterns. Lastly, it presents the makeup of current infrastructure investments in eight countries in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan), focusing on the transport and energy sectors.

English Also available in: Russian

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